Friday, July 28, 2006

Another funny coincidence

There's a piece about me in the Times today by a journalist whose name is also Goddard. Isn't that weird?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She claims to be your sister Jacqui !!!& to have known Jayne well. It`s a brilliant & very moving article & brought a lump to my throat reading it as I was at my cynical lawyers desk at lunch time. I immediately went on your blog(or whatever they call it.) I get the same leg pain on my long road walks. Thicker soled boots was the answer.Keep up the fantastic work. Tim.

10:00 am  
Blogger Phil said...

Thank you, cynical lawyer!

10:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yet another funny coincidence! As well as reading your sister's article in the Times, I received my copy of the Goddard Family History Society newsletter today (my mother's maiden name was Goddard) and that mentioned you too! There's a message there somewhere, which is probably that I should send a donation to the Association for International Cancer Research, so I will!

3:14 pm  
Blogger lilymarlene said...

I saw the Times article and came straight to your blog to have a look. Oh what a terrific thing to do! What a Memorial!
We stayed in Intercourse in 1992 for a few days...enjoying the peace of the quiet way of life of the Amish.
I have "subscribed" to this Blog on my Bloglines list......I was the first to do so I think! I bet you get lots more!

5:07 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well here's a name's Jacqui Goddard too. And I'm a journalist. Even more brother's walking across the US, just like you.
Seriously all those who read the Times article and were moved to make a donation (and I see there were many) thank you so much. What a thoroughly decent bunch of people.

10:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

...article did for me as well - will be keeping in touch with your progress. Best wishes. another Tim

5:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read the article in the Times and finally got myself organised to check out your blog today. Hope the leg pain stays away. I shall be following your progress with interest, you may have only gone a relatively short way on your journey but you have already met some wonderful people. I love reading of the kindness and hospitality you have been shown. Far too often it's the negative things that make the headlines and yet there are still many people who will open their front doors, welcome you into their lives for even a short time and make the world a better place.

10:35 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,
So wonderful to hear of your progress and the kindness of strangers. You are walking for all of us now as we check your blog daily. You have also inspired us to do a fun project to raise awareness for colon cancer. We'll tell you more later, keep on walking... lots of love

9:52 am  
Blogger Phil said...

Go on, tell me - what's the project?

11:47 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,
We will tell you ... all in the fullness of time.. we're working on the details, you will be one of the first to know! Alison

10:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well I read the Times and swa the pice on your wife and your wlak. which I find very heart rendering. I have had almost the same experance at the same Hospital as you with my wife, but we were lucky and I have my wife with me today. I will make a dontaion for you today. Good luck on the rest of the walk, and I am sure you will baet your target 10k pot.

Regards Keith Knowles

5:48 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello I have been logging into your blog since reading an article in the Times UK two weeks ago.
As a walker myself I admire your quest.
I wont fill this page with meaningless comments or the usual supportive comments that you would expect but what I will say is Great work I am looking forward to reading your book about this epic journey.
I will keep up with your progress on this site Best regards Keith Rigg. Teesside UK.

12:41 pm  

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