Thursday, August 03, 2006

St Clairsville, Ohio. 436 miles.

Over the past couple of days, I've had a small flood of emails and phone calls from complete strangers, mostly in Kansas City, offering donations, encouragement and, most importantly, beer. They are employees of the telecoms company Sprint, which has just published a story about me on its intranet.

Sprint has a scheme that involves lending phones to people like me free of charge. Mine has been an absolute boon, and I'm extremely grateful.

Here's the article.
Brit walking across America with Sprint phone and a backpack

(Aug. 1, 2006) Phil Goddard wouldn't describe himself as outdoorsy, but that hasn't stopped him from attempting to walk 4,000 miles across America with just a backpack and a Sprint phone.

Goddard always dreamed of seeing America by foot, but this walk means so much more to him than fulfilling a dream. It's a matter of healing and giving.

For years, Goddard's wife, Jayne, suffered from stomach pains. She was continually diagnosed with different illnesses, but nothing got rid of the pain. She again visited her doctor last June, and to her surprise, she was immediately rushed to the hospital. That's when they received the tragic news: She had colon cancer. Within seven months, she died.

Goddard decided to leave his home in London for the highways and byways of rural America to raise money for the Association for International Cancer Research, which funds cancer research projects around the world. When he finishes in California, Goddard expects to raise more than $18,000 for the group.

"The walk seemed to be a good thing to do -- take my mind off thinking about Jayne and think about what I want to do next," Goddard said.

On June 25, Goddard began his "Journey for Jayne" in New York's Times Square. Sprint donated a Samsung MM-A920 phone and also is providing free phone service, which includes MapQuest Find Me, Picture Mail and the phone-as-modem option.

"I was impressed and touched by Phil's desire to turn a tragic experience into a positive one," said Laura Porter, manager-Corporate Communications. "Sprint's donation has allowed Phil to use the many features of his phone to help him on his journey."

Goddard says his Sprint phone has been invaluable to the success of his walk. He says he mainly uses it for "good old-fashioned phone calls," so he can keep in touch with friends and family.

"I'm basically on my own, a solitary existence," Goddard said. "To be able to get the phone out of my pocket and chat with my parents, it's like I'm not doing this thing on my own."

Goddard also keeps in touch with reporters from local media to promote his walk and tell more people how to donate. He says without the access to reporters, he would not be nearly as successful in his fundraising.

"Basically, I don't think I would be able to raise very much money without my phone," he said.


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